For years, my Shetland Sheepdog Senna suffered from cracked front paw pads. The paw pads always started to crack in early summer. For many summers I worried whether we would be able to participate in the Finnish Agility Championships that were held in early summer. Her paw pads always cracked just before the competition, but luckily, we never had to stay at home because of her paws. However, there were occasions where Senna had to wear protective boots so that her newly healed paw pads would not crack open before the competition.
Unexpected tip for an agility dog
One summer we were attending the Finnish Agility Championships and I went to chat with Nutrolin® representatives as usual. When they saw the booties on Senna, they asked what was wrong with her paws. I explained what Senna’s problem was and mentioned that Senna takes Nutrolin® SKIN & COAT oil in the winter and has no paw problems. During the summer months, when we compete a lot, I was just giving Senna Nutrolin® SPORT oil.
Jenni from the Nutrolin® team said that she might have a solution for our problems. I anticipated something totally new. Her tip was actually very simple, but it took me by surprise. “Continue to give her Nutrolin® SKIN & COAT in the summer as well”, Jenni said. “But I need to give her Nutrolin® SPORT because the summer season with all the training and competitions is so much harder and more demanding than the winter season,” I said.
“Give her one oil in the morning and the other oil in the evening together with her evening meal. Do not give both oils together, or they may counteract each other”, Jenni said. “You mean that I could actually give Senna both oils during the summer season?” I asked. “Exactly,” Jenni assured me.
No more paw problems
I felt that the solution could not be that easy, because Senna had had problems with her front paws for many years. But, naturally, I followed the advice – I did not have anything to lose. It would be simply awesome if the solution were so easy. So, I started to give Senna both Nutrolin® SKIN & COAT and Nutrolin® SPORT: one together with her morning meal and the other with her evening meal. In the winter, I continued to give her Nutrolin® SKIN & COAT oil but I left out Nutrolin® SPORT.
And guess what? The next year at the Finnish Agility Championships we went to the Nutrolin® stand all excited to tell them how their advice had worked splendidly. Senna did not have to wear booties and her paw pads had not cracked a single time that spring. Ever since Senna started to take Nutrolin® SKIN & COAT throughout the year, her paws have been healthy all year round for many years already. I am so happy to be able to tell you that we no longer have any problems with her paw pads!

Senna’s retirement from agility
Senna does not compete in agility any more. She had to stop competing a year ago, because of a heart murmur. Agility would be too strenuous for Senna’s heart condition. However, Senna feels really good despite her cardiac murmur and does not need any medication yet. I will keep giving her Nutrolin® SKIN & COAT, because it is such an easy way of keeping her paw pads in good condition. We switched Nutrolin® SPORT to Nutrolin® SENIOR to support Senna’s heart and joints.
Senna is my companion at the stables, and rally-obedience is our retirement activity. Compared with agility, rally-obedience is very tranquil. But it is active enough to suit a dog that has been “working” all her life.
Wishing much happiness to all friends of Nutrolin® oils!
Best wishes from Tanja Hynninen and Sheltie Senna